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K9's For Warriors

Soldiers arrive home every day from deployment, ready and willing to submit themselves once again to civilian life. However, our warriors don’t always make it back in one piece. Whether the damage is physical, mental or emotional, we owe it to the men and women of our armed forces to take care of them and help them adjust to the life they once knew.

Morell Pet Products has been proudly donating care packages to K9s For Warriors, a non-profit organization that uses service dogs to help servicemen and women with Post-Traumatic Stress Disability, traumatic brain injury, or military sexual trauma to maintain their independence when deployment ends. 95% of K9s for Warriors’ trained service dogs are shelter rescues. The organization is dedicated not only to providing comfort for veterans, but also to finding a loving home for dogs who otherwise didn’t have one or were abandoned.

Morell Pet Products care packages contain all the essentials for keeping service dogs happy and healthy. Our goal is to extend the lifespan of every service dog that receives our care packages so that our warriors can enjoy more time with man’s best friend. K9s For Warriors has a graduation ceremony each month to celebrate their service dogs’ completion of certification, which is when we send the care package. The products are all-natural solutions for dogs with dry and/or itchy skin, and they’re made with ingredients free of harsh chemicals.

Our care package includes:

Aloe & Oatmeal Dog Soap

Flea & Tick Dog Soap

Natural & Organic Healing Balm

It’s our mission to provide top of the line canine care products for our returning soldiers, and we’re proud to donate these monthly gifts to K9s For Warriors. They’re working for a great cause that touches the hearts of many. We salute our soldiers and service dogs, and we look forward to providing excellent pet products for all of our customers in the coming year.

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