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All Natural  & Organic Pet Soaps

Fleas or Ticks? Dry Itchy Skin?

Dry Cracked Paws? Extra Sensitive Skin?

Relax, we can help!

We are passionate about our pets, and we know you are too! Our mission is to provide safe solutions to pet owners who embrace natural and organic products for the pets they love. 

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At Morell Pet Products, we’re committed to providing you with all-natural solutions for your pets’ needs. We use only high quality natural ingredients to create a handcrafted bar. We steer clear of chemical elements that leave your furry friends uncomfortable. Aloe Vera is the main ingredient acting as an all-natural cellular regenerator with anti-bacterial and antifungal effects. Magnesium Lactate helps bring natural relief for dry, itchy skin. These two ingredients, along with oatmeal, vitamins, and omega threes, create a moisturizing bar that will leave your pet’s coat soft and shiny, while providing skin relief from allergies or skin irritations. Additionally, our soaps are ph balanced, protecting your pet from any irritating side effects. Our amazing dog soap is top rated and proven to moisturize, nourish and condition your dog’s coat beautifully! Morell Pet Products… allowing you and your pet to live a healthier lifestyle. 

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